Source code for femagtools.bch

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    Reading BCH/BATCH files

import sys
import numpy as np
import re
import logging
import logging.config

logger = logging.getLogger('femagtools.bch')

alpha20 = 3.93e-3  # temperature coeff of copper

_indxOpPattern = re.compile(r'[a-zA-Z0-9_]+(\[[-0-9]+\])')
_statloss = re.compile(r'Fe-Losses\s*Stator')
_rotloss = re.compile(r'Fe-Losses\s*Rotor')

[docs]def splitindex(name): "returns listname and index if name contains index" m = if m: return (name.split('[')[0], int(''.join(list([1:-1]))) return (name, None)
[docs]def floatnan(s): """converts string to float returns NaN on conversion error""" try: return float(s) except ValueError: return float('NaN')
[docs]def r1_20(r1, theta): return r1/(1+alpha20*(theta-20))
[docs]def get_si_factor(contentline): "extract the first pattern and return conversion factor for SI unit" pattern = re.compile("\[([A-Za-z/0-9]+)\]") search = if search: if in ('kW', 'kNm'): return 1e3 return 1.0
def _readSections(f): """return list of bch sections sections are surrounded by lines starting with '[***' Args: param f (file) BCH file to be read Returns: list of sections """ section = [] for line in f: if line.startswith('[****'): if section: yield section section = [] else: section.append(line.strip()) yield section
[docs]class Reader: """Reads a BCH/BATCH-File""" _numPattern = re.compile(r'([+-]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?(?:[eE][+-]\d+)?)\s*') def __init__(self): self._fft = None self.type = None self.filename = '' self.external_rotor = False self.project = '' = '' self.version = '' # known types: # MULTIPLE CALCULATION OF FORCES AND FLUX # Fast cogging calculation OF FORCES AND FLUX # Fast LD-LQ-Identification # Fast Psid-Psiq-Identification # Fast PM-Synchronous-Motor Simulation # Characteristics of Permanent-Magnet-Motors self.wdg = None self.wdgfactors = [] self.torque = [] self.torque_fft = [] self.psidq = {} self.psidq_ldq = None self.machine = {} self.lossPar = {} self.flux = {} self.magnet = {} self.airgapInduction = {} self.flux_fft = {} self.linearForce = [] self.linearForce_fft = [] self.scData = {} self.dqPar = {} self.ldq = {} self.losses = [] self.demag = [] self.weights = [] self.weight = {} self.characteristics = {} self.areas = [] self.current_angles = [] self.dispatch = { 'General Machine Data': Reader.__read_general_machine_data, 'Weigths': Reader.__read_weights, 'Number of Nodes': Reader.__read_nodes_and_mesh, 'Windings Data': Reader.__read_dummy, 'Winding-Factors': Reader.__read_winding_factors, 'Machine Data': Reader.__read_machine_data, 'CAD-Parameter Data': Reader.__read_dummy, 'Torque-Force': Reader.__read_torque_force, 'Airgap Induction Br': Reader.__read_airgapInduction, 'Fourier Analysis': Reader.__read_fft, 'Machine excitation': Reader.__read_dummy, 'DQ-Parameter for open Winding Modell': Reader.__read_dq_parameter, 'Magnet Data': Reader.__read_magnet_data, 'Date': Reader.__read_date, 'Inertia': Reader.__read_inertia, 'Losses': Reader.__read_dummy, 'Fe-Hysteresis- and Eddy current Losses[W] > 0.1 % Max': Reader.__read_hysteresis_eddy_current_losses, 'Losses [W]': Reader.__read_losses, 'Losses for speed [1/min]': Reader.__read_losses_tab, 'Losses from PSID-Psiq-Identification for speed [1/min]': Reader.__read_losses_tab, 'Magnet loss data': Reader.__read_dummy, 'Project File name': Reader.__read_project_filename, 'File name': Reader.__read_filename, 'Windings input data': Reader.__read_windings, 'Control parameters for Loss calculation': Reader.__read_lossPar, 'PSID-Psiq-Identification': Reader.__read_psidq, 'Ld-Lq-Identifikation aus PSID-Psiq-Identification': Reader.__read_psidq_ldq, 'Ld-Lq-Identification RMS-values': Reader.__read_ldq, 'Machine Data Rotor': Reader.__read_dummy, 'Current Angles defined from no-load test': Reader.__read_current_angles, 'FEMAG Version': Reader.__read_version, 'Simulation Data': Reader.__read_simulation_data, 'Area [mm**2]': Reader.__read_areas, 'Basic Machine parameters': Reader.__read_dummy, 'Winding': Reader.__read_dummy, 'Calculation time [sec]': Reader.__read_dummy, 'Results for Angle I-Up [Degree]': Reader.__read_dummy, 'Demagnetisation': Reader.__read_demagnetization, 'Transient short circuit': Reader.__read_short_circuit, 'Flux observed': Reader.__read_flux, 'Linear Force': Reader.__read_linear_force, 'Demagnetization Data': Reader.__read_demagnetization, '** Characteristics of Permanent-Magnet-Motors **': Reader.__read_characteristics}
[docs] def getStep(self): """@returns displacement step of flux values""" if len(self.flux) > 0: return self.flux[0]['displ'][1]-self.flux[0]['displ'][0] return None
[docs] def read(self, lines): """read bch file Args: lines (list of str) the text lines of the BCH file """ for s in _readSections(lines): if not s: continue title = s[0].split(':')[0].strip() if title == 'Function': title = s[0].split(':')[1].strip() logger.debug("'%s': %d", title, len(s[1:])) # Check if we are finished with the fourier analysis part(s) if title != 'Fourier Analysis': self._fft = None else: title2 = s[0].split(':')[1].strip() for k in ['Airgap Induction Br']: if k == title2[:len(k)]: title = title2[:len(k)] if title in self.dispatch: self.dispatch[title](self, s) if len(self.weights) > 0: w = list(zip(*self.weights)) self.weight['iron'] = sum(w[0]) self.weight['conductor'] = sum(w[1]) self.weight['magnet'] = sum(w[2]) self.weight['total'] = sum([sum(l) for l in w])
def __read_version(self, content): self.version = content[0].split(' ')[3] def __read_project_filename(self, content): self.project = content[1].strip() def __read_filename(self, content): self.filename = content[0].split(':')[1].strip() def __read_date(self, content): d = content[0].split(':')[1].strip().split() dd, MM, yy = d[0].split('.') hh, mm = ''.join(d[1:-1]).split('.') = '{}-{}-{}T{:02}:{:02}'.format(yy, MM, dd, int(hh), int(mm)) def __read_nodes_and_mesh(self, content): self.nodes, self.elements, self.quality = \ [floatnan(r[0]) for r in [self._numPattern.findall(l) for l in content[:3]]] for l in content[3:]: m = re.match(r'\*+([^\*]+)\*+', l) if m: self.type = return def __read_magnet_data(self, content): """read magnet data section""" for l in content: for v in [["Remanence Br [T]", 'Br'], ["Co. Force Hc", 'Hc'], ["Rel. Permeability", 'muer'], ["Magn.Temperatur[grad]", 'Tmag'], ["Temp.coeficient Br", 'alpha'], ["Limit demagnetization [%]", 'demag_pc'], ["Limit demagnetization Hx [kA/m]", 'demag_hx'], ["Total magnet area", 'area']]: if l.startswith(v[0]): rec = self._numPattern.findall(l) if len(rec) > 0: self.magnet[v[1]] = floatnan(rec[-1]) break def __read_windings(self, content): "read winding section" index = False wdgs = [] for line in content: rec = line.split() if len(rec) > 0 and not index: index = rec[0].startswith('Index') elif len(rec) == 5 and index: if rec[0].startswith('Number'): index = False else: wdgs.append((abs(int(rec[1])), 1 if int(rec[1]) > 0 else -1, float(rec[2]), float(rec[3]), float(rec[4]))) else: index = False phases = set(list(zip(*wdgs))[0]) self.windings = dict([(k, dict([(j, []) for j in ('dir', 'N', 'R', 'PHI')])) for k in phases]) for w in wdgs: self.windings[w[0]]['dir'].append(w[1]) self.windings[w[0]]['N'].append(w[2]) self.windings[w[0]]['R'].append(w[3]/1e3) self.windings[w[0]]['PHI'].append(w[4]) def __read_winding_factors(self, content): "read winding factors section" self.wdgfactors = [] for line in content: if line.startswith('Winding-Key'): self.wdgfactors.append(dict(order=[], wfac=[], skewf=[], total=[])) else: rec = self._numPattern.findall(line) if len(rec) == 4: self.wdgfactors[-1]['order'].append(int(rec[0])) self.wdgfactors[-1]['wfac'].append(float(rec[1])) self.wdgfactors[-1]['skewf'].append(float(rec[2])) self.wdgfactors[-1]['total'].append(float(rec[3])) def __read_dummy(self, content): return def __read_simulation_data(self, content): for line in content: if line.startswith('Number of Phases m'): self.machine['m'] = int(float((line.split()[-1]))) return def __read_current_angles(self, content): self.current_angles = [] for l in content: rec = self._numPattern.findall(l) if len(rec) == 3: self.current_angles.append(floatnan(rec[-1])) return def __read_lossPar(self, content): self.lossPar = { 'fo': [], 'Bo': [], 'ch': [], 'cw': [], 'hf': [], 'ef': [], 'ic': [], 'gamfe': [], 'thetaw': [], 'fillfe': [], 'mat': []} for l in content: for v in [["Base Frequency", 'fo'], ["Base Induction", 'Bo'], ["Hysteresis-Coefficient", 'ch'], ["Eddycurrent-Coefficient", 'cw'], ["Hysteresis-Frequency-Coefficient", 'hf'], ["Eddycurrent-Frequency-Coefficient", 'ef'], ["Induction-Coefficient", 'ic'], ["Specific Weight Iron", 'gamfe'], ["Conductor Temperature", 'thetaw'], ["Fillfactor Iron", 'fillfe'], ["Material factor", 'mat']]: if l.find(v[0]) > -1: rec = self._numPattern.findall(l) if len(rec) > 0: self.lossPar[v[1]].append(floatnan(rec[-1])) break return l def __read_demagnetization(self, content): keys = [('displ', 'current_1', 'current_2', 'current_3', 'H_max', 'H_av', 'area'), ('displ', 'current', 'beta', 'H_max', 'H_av', 'area')] for l in content: rec = self._numPattern.findall(l) if len(rec) == 7 or len(rec) == 6: i = 0 if len(rec) == 7 else 1 self.demag.append( {k: floatnan(r) for r, k in zip(rec, keys[i])}) else: d = dict() for v in [["Limit Hc value", "lim_hc"], ["Max. Magnetization", "br_max"], ["Min. Magnetization", "br_min"], ["Area demagnetized", "area"]]: if l.find(v[0]) > -1: rec = self._numPattern.findall(l) if len(rec) > 0: d[v[1]] = floatnan(rec[-1]) if d: self.demag.append(d) def __read_short_circuit(self, content): "read short circuit section" if content[2].startswith('Time'): m = [] for l in content: rec = l.split() if len(rec) == 5 and not rec[0].startswith('Time'): m.append([floatnan(x) for x in rec]) m = np.array(m).T self.scData['time'] = m[0].tolist() self.scData['ia'] = m[1].tolist() self.scData['ib'] = m[2].tolist() self.scData['ic'] = m[3].tolist() self.scData['torque'] = m[4].tolist() return l = content[-1] rec = l.split() self.scData['speed'] = floatnan(rec[0]) self.scData['ikd'] = floatnan(rec[1]) self.scData['tkd'] = floatnan(rec[2]) self.scData['iks'] = floatnan(rec[3]) self.scData['tks'] = floatnan(rec[4]) def __read_general_machine_data(self, content): for l in content: if l.find('Armature Length [mm]:') > -1: self.armatureLength = floatnan(l.split()[-1]) elif l.find('Magn. Fluss Psim RMS') > 0: self.machine['psim'] = floatnan(l.split()[-1]) elif l.find('Number of Pole pairs') > -1: self.machine['p'] = int(l.split()[-1]) elif l.find('Number of Poles simulated') > -1: self.machine['p_sim'] = int(l.split()[-1]) elif l.find('Total Number of Slots') > -1: self.machine['Q'] = int(l.split()[-1]) elif l.find('Number of Slot-Sides sim.') > -1: self.machine['qs_sim'] = int(l.split()[-1]) elif l.find('POC-File used in calculation') > -1: self.machine['pocfile'] = l.split(':')[-1].strip() def __read_characteristics(self, content): for i, l in enumerate(content): if l.startswith('[[***'): break for v in [['Voltage (operat. limit)', 'u1nom'], ['Current (operat. limit)', 'i1nom'], ['Angle I VS Up (speed = 0)', 'beta0'], ['Resistance stator winding', 'r1'], ['Inductance(I,Angle I-Up)', 'Ldnom'], ['Inductance(I,Angle I-Up)', 'Lqnom'], ['Power (operating limit)', 'Pnom'], ['Stator ewdg inductance', 'Le'], ['Stator external inductance Lex', 'Lex'], ['Magn. flux (RMS)', 'psimnom'], ['Effect. armature length', 'lfe'], ['Power cut-off speed NC', 'nc'], ['Number of Pole pairs', 'p'], ['Max. current (RMS)', 'i1max'], ['Rel. number wdg turns(wdg.1)', 'relw'], ['Number of Phases', 'm'], ['Min. speed', 'nmin'], ['Max. speed', 'nmax']]: if l.find(v[0]) > -1: rec = self._numPattern.findall(l) if len(rec) > 0: self.characteristics[v[1]] = floatnan(rec[-1]) break self.characteristics['ldq'] = {} self.armatureLength = self.characteristics['lfe'] m = [] for k, l in enumerate(content[i+3:]): if l.startswith('[[***'): break rec = l.split('\t') if len(rec) == 6: m.append([floatnan(x) for x in rec]) if m: m = np.array(m).T ncols = len(set(m[1])) i1 = np.reshape(m[0], (-1, ncols)).T[0] nrows = len(i1)'characteristics ld-lq %d x %d', nrows, ncols) self.characteristics['ldq'] = { 'beta': m[1][:ncols][::-1].tolist(), 'i1': i1.tolist(), 'ld': (self.armatureLength*np.reshape( m[2], (nrows, ncols)).T[::-1]).tolist(), 'lq': (self.armatureLength*np.reshape( m[3], (nrows, ncols)).T[::-1]).tolist(), 'psim': (self.armatureLength*np.reshape( m[4], (nrows, ncols)).T[::-1]).tolist(), 'torque': (self.armatureLength*np.reshape( m[5], (nrows, ncols)).T[::-1]).tolist()} m = [] columns = [['n', 'id', 'iq', 'torque', 'p2'], ['beta', 'cos_phi', 'u1', 'um'], ['lang', 'ud', 'uq', 'i1'], ['lang', 'ld', 'lq', 'psim']] nsec = 0 self.characteristics['speed_torque'] = {} for l in content[k+i+6:]: if l.startswith('[[***'): break if not l: continue if l.startswith('Speed') and m: if nsec == 0: m = np.array(m).T else: m = np.array(m).T[1:] for j, k in enumerate(columns[nsec]): self.characteristics['speed_torque'][k] = m[j].tolist() m = [] nsec += 1 else: rec = self._numPattern.findall(l) if len(rec) > 3: m.append([floatnan(x) for x in rec]) def __read_flux(self, content): "read and append flux section" f = {'displ': [], 'flux_k': [], 'voltage_dpsi': [], 'voltage_four': [], 'current_k': [], 'voltage_ir': []} for l in content: rec = l.split() if l.startswith('Flux-Area'): areas = self._numPattern.findall(l) if not areas: continue self.wdg = areas[0] if len(areas)==1 else '{}-{}'.format( areas[0], areas[1]) if self.wdg not in self.flux: self.flux[self.wdg] = [] elif len(rec) == 7: f['displ'].append(floatnan(rec[1].strip())) f['flux_k'].append(floatnan(rec[2].strip())) f['voltage_dpsi'].append(floatnan(rec[3].strip())) f['voltage_four'].append(floatnan(rec[4].strip())) f['current_k'].append(floatnan(rec[5].strip())) f['voltage_ir'].append(floatnan(rec[6].strip())) elif rec and rec[0].startswith('['): f['displunit'] ="\[([^\]]*)\]", l).group(1).strip() self.flux[self.wdg].append(f) self._fft = Reader.__read_flux_fft def __read_linear_force(self, content): "read and append linear force section" f = {'displ': [], 'magnet_1': [], 'force_x': [], 'force_y': [], 'f_idpsi': []} for l in content: rec = self._numPattern.findall(l) if len(rec) > 4: f['displ'].append(floatnan(rec[1].strip())) f['magnet_1'].append(floatnan(rec[2].strip())) f['force_x'].append(floatnan(rec[3].strip())) f['force_y'].append(floatnan(rec[4].strip())) # TODO f['f_idpsi'].append(floatnan(rec[5].strip())) if len(f['displ']) > 0: ripple_x = max(f['force_x']) - min(f['force_x']) ripple_y = max(f['force_y']) - min(f['force_y']) f['ripple_x'] = ripple_x f['ripple_y'] = ripple_y self.linearForce.append(f) self._fft = Reader.__read_linearForce_fft def __read_linearForce_fft(self, content): "read and append linear force fft section" if not self._fft: return linearForce_fft = dict(order=[], force=[], force_perc=[], a=[], b=[]) for l in content: rec = self._numPattern.findall(l) if len(rec) > 2: linearForce_fft['order'].append(int(rec[0].strip())) linearForce_fft['force'].append(floatnan(rec[1].strip())) linearForce_fft['force_perc'].append(floatnan(rec[2].strip())) if len(rec) > 4: linearForce_fft['a'].append(floatnan(rec[3].strip())) linearForce_fft['b'].append(floatnan(rec[4].strip())) else: linearForce_fft['a'].append(0.0) linearForce_fft['b'].append(0.0) if linearForce_fft['order']: self.linearForce_fft.append(linearForce_fft) def __read_fft(self, content): if self._fft: self._fft(self, content) def __read_flux_fft(self, content): "read and append flux fft section" flux_fft = dict(order=[], flux=[], flux_perc=[], voltage=[], voltage_perc=[], a=[], b=[]) for l in content: rec = self._numPattern.findall(l) if len(rec) > 4: flux_fft['order'].append(int(rec[0].strip())) flux_fft['flux'].append(floatnan(rec[1].strip())) flux_fft['flux_perc'].append(floatnan(rec[2].strip())) flux_fft['voltage'].append(floatnan(rec[3].strip())) flux_fft['voltage_perc'].append(floatnan(rec[4].strip())) if len(rec) > 3: flux_fft['a'].append(floatnan(rec[3].strip())*1e-2) flux_fft['b'].append(floatnan(rec[4].strip())*1e-2) else: flux_fft['a'].append(0.0) flux_fft['b'].append(0.0) if self.wdg not in self.flux_fft: self.flux_fft[self.wdg] = [] self.flux_fft[self.wdg].append(flux_fft) def __read_airgapInduction(self, content): "read and append airgapInduction section" import scipy.integrate as si'read airgapInduction') i1beta = False # format is either i1/beta or id/iq if 'i1' in self.ldq and 'beta' in self.ldq: i1 = self.ldq['i1'] beta = self.ldq['beta'] elif 'id' in self.psidq and 'iq' in self.psidq: id = self.psidq['id'] iq = self.psidq['iq'] else: i1 = [] beta = [] id = [] iq = [] an = [[], [], [], []] bn = [[], [], [], []] Bm = [] Ba = [] for line in content[5:]: if line.startswith('[****'): break if line.startswith("Current"): i1beta = True continue if line.startswith("C_STEP"): return # ignore this section try: rec = self._numPattern.findall(line) if len(rec) == 10: f = [float(s) for s in rec] an[0].append(f[2]) bn[0].append(f[3]) an[1].append(f[4]) bn[1].append(f[5]) an[2].append(f[6]) bn[2].append(f[7]) an[3].append(f[8]) bn[3].append(f[9]) a = (an[0][-1], an[1][-1], an[2][-1], an[3][-1]) b = (bn[0][-1], bn[1][-1], bn[2][-1], an[3][-1]) def B(x): return sum(a[i] * np.cos((2 * i + 1) * x) + b[i] * np.sin((2 * i + 1) * x) for i in (0, 1, 2, 3)) def Bdc(x): return abs(B(x)) Ba.append(si.quad(Bdc, 0, 2 * np.pi, limit=250)[0] / (2 * np.pi)) Bm.append(max([B(x) for x in np.linspace( 0, 2 * np.pi, 100)])) except Exception as e: logger.debug("Conversion error: {} :: {}".format(e, line)) self.airgapInduction = dict() if i1beta: ncols = len(beta) self.airgapInduction['beta'] = beta self.airgapInduction['i1'] = i1 nrows = len(self.airgapInduction['i1']) else: ncols = len(iq) self.airgapInduction['iq'] = iq self.airgapInduction['id'] = id nrows = len(self.airgapInduction['id']) self.airgapInduction['an'] = [np.reshape(an[j][:nrows*ncols], (nrows, ncols)).T.tolist() for j in (0, 1, 2, 3)] self.airgapInduction['bn'] = [np.reshape(bn[j][:nrows*ncols], (nrows, ncols)).T.tolist() for j in (0, 1, 2, 3)] self.airgapInduction['Bm'] = np.reshape(Bm[:nrows*ncols], (nrows, ncols)).T.tolist() self.airgapInduction['Ba'] = np.reshape(Ba[:nrows*ncols], (nrows, ncols)).T.tolist() # check for nan: if len(self.airgapInduction['an'][0]) > 1 and \ len(self.airgapInduction['an'][0][0]) != len(self.airgapInduction['an'][0][1]): self.airgapInduction['an'] = [self.airgapInduction['an'][i][1:] for i in range(3)] self.airgapInduction['bn'] = [self.airgapInduction['bn'][i][1:] for i in range(3)] self.airgapInduction['Ba'] = self.airgapInduction['Ba'][1:] self.airgapInduction['Bm'] = self.airgapInduction['Bm'][1:] if len(self.airgapInduction['an'][0]) > 1 and \ len(list(filter(lambda x: np.isnan(x), list(zip(*self.airgapInduction['an'][0]))[0]))) > 0: self.airgapInduction['an'] = [self.airgapInduction['an'][i][1:] for i in range(3)] self.airgapInduction['bn'] = [self.airgapInduction['bn'][i][1:] for i in range(3)] self.airgapInduction['Ba'] = zip(*zip(*self.airgapInduction['Ba']) [1:]) self.airgapInduction['Bm'] = zip(*zip(*self.airgapInduction['Bm']) [1:]) def __read_torque_force(self, content): "read and append force/torque section" torque = { 'angle': [], 'current_1': [], 'force_x': [], 'force_y': [], 't_idpsi': [], 'torque': []} for l in content: rec = self._numPattern.findall(l) if len(rec) == 7: torque['angle'].append(floatnan(rec[1].strip())) torque['current_1'].append(floatnan(rec[2].strip())) torque['force_x'].append(floatnan(rec[3].strip())) torque['force_y'].append(floatnan(rec[4].strip())) torque['t_idpsi'].append(floatnan(rec[5].strip())) torque['torque'].append(floatnan(rec[6].strip())) if len(torque['angle']) > 0: ripple = max(torque['torque']) - min(torque['torque']) torque['ripple'] = ripple self.torque.append(torque) self._fft = Reader.__read_torque_force_fft def __read_torque_force_fft(self, content): "read and append force/torque fft section" columns = content[3].split() if len(columns) > 1 and columns[1] == 'Torque': torque_fft = dict(order=[], torque=[], torque_perc=[], a=[], b=[]) for l in content: rec = self._numPattern.findall(l) if len(rec) > 2: torque_fft['order'].append(int(rec[0].strip())) torque_fft['torque'].append(floatnan(rec[1].strip())) torque_fft['torque_perc'].append(floatnan(rec[2].strip())) if len(rec) > 3: torque_fft['a'].append(floatnan(rec[3].strip())*1e-2) torque_fft['b'].append(floatnan(rec[4].strip())*1e-2) else: torque_fft['a'].append(0.0) torque_fft['b'].append(0.0) if torque_fft['order']: self.torque_fft.append(torque_fft) def __removeTrailingZero(self, idList): '''if id list is inhomogeneous, remove a trailing '0' e.g. : idList[-450, -350, -250, -150, -50, 0] idList[-500, -400, -300, -200, -100, 0, 0] ''' if idList[-1] == 0 and len(idList) > 2 and \ int(idList[-1] - idList[0]) / (len(idList)-1) != \ int(idList[-2] - idList[0]) / (len(idList)-2): idList = idList[:-1] return idList def __read_psidq(self, content): "read psid-psiq section" for i, l in enumerate(content): if l.find('[A') > -1: break m = [] for l in content[i+2:]: rec = l.split('\t') if len(rec) == 7: m.append([floatnan(x) for x in rec]) m = np.array(m).T ncols = np.argmax(np.abs(m[1][1:]-m[1][:-1]))+1 if ncols == 1 and len(m[1]) > 1 and m[1][0] != m[1][1]: # simple correction ncols = 2 iq = np.reshape(m[1], (-1, ncols))[0] if ncols > 1 and (iq[ncols-1] < iq[ncols-2] or len(m[0]) % ncols != 0): ncols = ncols-1 id = np.reshape(m[0], (-1, ncols)).T[0] id = self.__removeTrailingZero(id) nrows = len(id) if nrows > 1 and id[nrows-1] < id[nrows-2]: nrows = nrows-1'psid-psiq %d x %d', nrows, ncols) mlen = nrows*ncols self.psidq = {k: (self.armatureLength*np.reshape( v[:mlen], (nrows, ncols))).T.tolist() for k, v in zip(('psid', 'psiq', 'torque_fe', 'torque'), m[3:])} self.psidq['iq'] = iq[:ncols].tolist() self.psidq['id'] = id[:nrows].tolist() def __read_psidq_ldq(self, content): "read ldq from psid-psiq section" for i, l in enumerate(content): if l.find('[A') > -1: break m = [] for l in content[i+2:]: rec = l.split('\t') if len(rec) == 7: m.append([floatnan(x) for x in rec]) m = np.array(m).T ncols = np.argmax(np.abs(m[1][1:]-m[1][:-1]))+1 if ncols == 1 and len(m[1]) > 1 and m[1][0] != m[1][1]: # simple correction ncols = 2 iq = np.linspace(np.min(m[1]), np.max(m[1]), ncols) if ncols > 1 and (iq[ncols-1] < iq[ncols-2] or len(m[0]) % ncols != 0): ncols = ncols-1 id = np.reshape(m[0], (-1, ncols)).T[0] nrows = len(id) if nrows > 1 and id[nrows-1] < id[nrows-2]: nrows = nrows-1'psid-psiq ldq %d x %d', nrows, ncols) mlen = nrows*ncols self.psidq_ldq = { 'iq': iq[:ncols].tolist(), 'id': id[:nrows].tolist(), 'ld': (self.armatureLength*np.reshape( m[2][:mlen], (nrows, ncols)).T).tolist(), 'lq': (self.armatureLength*np.reshape( m[3][:mlen], (nrows, ncols)).T).tolist(), 'psim': (self.armatureLength*np.reshape( m[4][:mlen], (nrows, ncols)).T).tolist(), 'torque': (self.armatureLength*np.reshape( m[6][:mlen], (nrows, ncols)).T).tolist()} def __read_ldq(self, content): "read ld-lq section" for i, l in enumerate(content): if l.find('[A') > -1: break m = [] k = i+2 for l in content[i+2:]: rec = l.split('\t') if len(rec) > 7: m.append([floatnan(x) for x in rec[:8]]) elif rec and rec[0].startswith('Curr Id'): break k += 1 m = np.array(m).T ncols = len(set(m[1])) i1 = np.reshape(m[0], (-1, ncols)).T[0] nrows = len(i1)'ld-lq %d x %d', nrows, ncols) self.ldq = {k: (self.armatureLength*np.reshape( v, (nrows, ncols)).T[::-1]).tolist() for k, v in zip( ('ld', 'lq', 'psim', 'psid', 'psiq', 'torque'), m[2:])} self.ldq['beta'] = m[1][:ncols][::-1].tolist() self.ldq['i1'] = i1.tolist() # skip d-q table i = k+3 for l in content[k+3:]: if l.startswith('Losses for'): self.__read_losses_tab(content[i:]) i += 1 def __read_losses_tab(self, content): "read losses of psidq or ldq" m = [] speed = float(content[0].split()[-1])/60.'losses for speed %f', speed) nl = 4 for l in content[4:]: rec = l.split('\t') if len(rec) == 6: m.append([floatnan(x) for x in rec]) elif rec[0].startswith('P fe'): break nl += 1 if not m: return m = np.array(m).T ncols = np.argmax(np.abs(m[1][1:]-m[1][:-1]))+1 if ncols == 1 and len(m[1]) > 1 and m[1][0] != m[1][1]: ncols = 2 nrows = len(m[2])//ncols if ncols * nrows % len(m[3]) != 0: if ncols > nrows: ncols = ncols-1 else: nrows = nrows-1 ls = {k: np.reshape(v, (nrows, ncols)).T[::-1].tolist() for k, v in zip(('styoke', 'stteeth', 'rotor', 'magnet'), m[2:])} m = [] for l in content[nl+3:]: rec = l.split('\t') if len(rec) == 8: m.append([floatnan(x) for x in rec]) elif not rec and m: break if m: m = np.array(m).T ls.update({k: np.reshape(v, (nrows, ncols)).T[::-1].tolist() for k, v in zip(('styoke_hyst', 'styoke_eddy', 'stteeth_hyst', 'stteeth_eddy', 'rotor_hyst', 'rotor_eddy'), m[2:])}) ls['speed'] = speed if self.ldq: self.ldq['losses'] = ls elif self.psidq: self.psidq['losses'] = ls def __read_machine_data(self, content): "read machine data section" for k in ('beta', 'plfe1', 'plfe2', 'plmag'): self.machine[k] = [] for l in content: contentline = l.strip() if contentline.startswith('Number of phases'): rec = l.split() self.machine['m'] = int(rec[-1]) continue if contentline.startswith("Mechanical Power"): rec = l.split() self.machine['p2'] = floatnan(rec[-1]) unit = rec[2] if unit == '[kW]': self.machine['p2'] *= 1e3 continue for v in [["Phase Current", 'i1'], ["Number of phases", 'm'], ["Current loading", 'A'], ["Current Density", 'J'], ["Cu fillfactor", 'kcu'], ["Therm.Loading", 'AJ'], ["torque", 'torque'], ["Force Density", 'fd'], ['Inductance Ld', 'ld'], ['Inductance Lq', 'lq'], ['Stator Resistance', 'r1'], ['Magn. Flux Psim RMS', 'psim'], ["Speed", 'n'], ['Beta-angle', 'beta'], ["Stator-Fe-Losses noload", 'plfe1_0'], ["Rotor-Fe-Losses noload", 'plfe2_0'], ["Magnet-Losses noload", 'plmag_0'], ["Stator-Fe-Losses ", 'plfe1'], ["Rotor-Fe-Losses ", 'plfe2'], ["Magnet-Losses", 'plmag'], ["Cu-Losses", 'plcu'], ["Armature", 'lfe'], ["Efficiency", 'eff']]: if contentline.find(v[0]) > -1: si = get_si_factor(contentline) rec = l.split() if v[1] in self.machine and isinstance( self.machine[v[1]], list): self.machine[v[1]].append(si*floatnan(rec[-1])) else: self.machine[v[1]] = si*floatnan(rec[-1]) break if self.machine['beta']: self.machine['beta'] = self.machine['beta'][1:] self.machine['n'] = self.machine['n']/60 self.machine['lfe'] = 1e-3*self.machine['lfe'] if self.machine['plfe1']: # calc sum of losses plfe1 = self.machine['plfe1'] plcu = self.machine.get('plcu', 0.0) if np.isscalar(plcu): self.machine['plcu'] = [plcu]*len(plfe1) self.machine['pltotal'] = [sum(pl) for pl in zip(*[self.machine[k] for k in ('plfe1', 'plfe2', 'plmag', 'plcu')])] self.machine['plfe'] = [sum(pl) for pl in zip(*[self.machine[k] for k in ('plfe1', 'plfe2')])] def __read_dq_parameter(self, content): if content[1].find('Windings') > -1: for l in content[1:]: for v in [['Windings Current', 'i1'], ['Angle I vs. Up', 'beta'], ["LD", 'ld'], ["LQ at nom. current", 'lq'], ["Torque TO", 'torque'], ["Force", 'force'], ["Torque constant Kt", 'kt'], ["Magn.Flux no-load", 'psim0'], ["Voltage Up (RMS) no-load", 'up0'], ["Magn.Flux load", 'psim'], ["Voltage Up load", 'up'], ["Speed", 'speed'], ["Number of Poles", 'npoles'], ["Armature length", 'lfe'], ["Airgap diameter", 'dag']]: if l.find(v[0]) > -1: rec = l.split() self.dqPar[v[1]] = [floatnan(rec[-1])] # pdb.set_trace() for k in ('speed', 'npoles', 'lfe', 'dag', 'up0', 'up', 'psim0'): if k in self.dqPar: self.dqPar[k] = self.dqPar[k][0] lfe = self.dqPar['lfe'] self.dqPar['lfe'] = 1e-3*self.dqPar['lfe'] for k in ('ld', 'lq', 'psim', 'torque', 'force'): if k in self.dqPar: self.dqPar[k][0] = lfe*self.dqPar[k][0] if 'torque' in self.dqPar: self.dqPar['speed'] = self.dqPar['speed']/60 if 'dag' in self.dqPar: self.dqPar['dag'] = 1e-3*self.dqPar['dag'] if 'npoles' in self.dqPar: self.dqPar['npoles'] = int(self.dqPar['npoles']) self.dqPar['i1'] = [self.dqPar['i1'][0]/np.sqrt(2)] beta = np.pi*self.dqPar['beta'][0]/180 iq = np.cos(beta)*self.dqPar['i1'][0] id = np.sin(beta)*self.dqPar['i1'][0] try: w1 = np.pi*self.dqPar['speed']*self.dqPar['npoles'] r1 = self.machine.get('r1', 0.0) uq, ud = (r1*iq + self.dqPar['up'] + id*w1*self.dqPar['ld'][0], r1*id - iq*w1*self.dqPar['lq'][0]) self.dqPar['u1'] = [np.sqrt(uq**2 + ud**2)] self.dqPar['gamma'] = [-np.arctan2(ud, uq)*180/np.pi] self.dqPar['psim0'] = lfe*self.dqPar['psim0'] self.dqPar['phi'] = [self.dqPar['beta'][0] + self.dqPar['gamma'][0]] self.dqPar['cosphi'] = [np.cos(np.pi*phi/180) for phi in self.dqPar['phi']] self.dqPar['i1'].insert(0, 0) self.dqPar['u1'].insert(0, self.dqPar.get('up0', 0)) except KeyError: pass # if next section is absent try: self.dqPar['psid'] = [self.dqPar['psim'][0]] self.dqPar['psiq'] = [self.dqPar['lq'][0] * self.dqPar['i1'][-1]] except KeyError: pass return for k in ('i1', 'beta', 'ld', 'lq', 'psim', 'up', 'psid', 'psiq', 'torque', 'torquefe', 'p2', 'u1', 'gamma', 'phi'): self.dqPar[k] = [] lfe = 1e3*self.dqPar['lfe'] keys = [] for l in content: rec = self._numPattern.findall(l) if len(rec) == 8: for k, r in zip(*[keys, rec]): self.dqPar[k].append(floatnan(r)) self.dqPar['p2'].append(self.dqPar['torque'][-1] * lfe*2*np.pi*self.dqPar['speed']) for k in ('ld', 'lq', 'psim', 'psid', 'up', 'psiq', 'torque'): if self.dqPar[k]: self.dqPar[k][-1] = lfe * self.dqPar[k][-1] elif len(rec) == 7: self.dqPar['torquefe'].append(floatnan(rec[2])) self.dqPar['u1'].append(floatnan(rec[4])) self.dqPar['gamma'].append(floatnan(rec[6])) self.dqPar['phi'].append(floatnan(rec[1]) + self.dqPar['gamma'][-1]) else: headers = l.split() try: # must distinguish ee and pm if headers[5] == 'Voltage': keys = ('i1', 'beta', 'ld', 'lq', 'up', 'psid', 'psiq', 'torque') if headers[5] == 'Psi_magn': keys = ('i1', 'beta', 'ld', 'lq', 'psim', 'psid', 'psiq', 'torque') except: pass if self.dqPar['psim']: self.dqPar.pop('up', None) else: self.dqPar.pop('psim', None) self.dqPar['cosphi'] = [np.cos(np.pi*phi/180) for phi in self.dqPar['phi']] self.dqPar['i1'].insert(0, 0) self.dqPar['u1'].insert(0, self.dqPar.get('up0', 0)) def __read_weights(self, content): # Stator-Iron - Conductors - Magnets # 105.408 22.542 0.000 # Rotor-Iron - Conductors - Magnets # 45.041 0.000 17.556 if self.weights: return for line in content[2:]: rec = line.split() if rec[0] != 'Stator-Iron' and rec[0] != 'Rotor-Iron': self.weights.append([floatnan(x) for x in rec]) def __read_areas(self, content): # Area [mm**2]: Stator-Iron - slots - Magnets # 16585.2 2383.1 0.0 # Area [mm**2]: Rotor-Iron - slots - Magnets # 6372.7 0.0 1930.2 for line in content: rec = line.split() if rec and rec[0] != 'Area': self.areas.append([floatnan(x) for x in rec]) def __read_inertia(self, content): # Inertia: GD**2/4 [gr m**2/mm] # Stator : 0.230195 # Rotor : 0.011774 self.inertia = [] pat = re.compile(r'\[(\w\w) .+\]') unit = pat.findall(content[0]) f = 1 if unit and unit[-1] == 'gr': f = 1e-3 for line in content[1:]: x = line.split() if x: self.inertia.append(f*floatnan(x[-1])) def __read_losses(self, content): losses = {} # find results for angle: for i, l in enumerate(content): if l.startswith('Results for Angle I-Up'): losses['beta'] = floatnan(l.split(':')[-1]) losses['current'] = floatnan( content[i+1].split(':')[-1])/np.sqrt(2) for k in ('winding', 'staza', 'stajo', 'rotfe', 'magnetJ', 'magnetB', 'r1', 'total'): losses[k] = 0.0 continue if l.find('Cu-losses') > -1: rec = self._numPattern.findall(content[i+1]) if len(rec) > 0: losses['winding'] += floatnan(rec[0]) losses['total'] += floatnan(rec[0]) if len(rec) > 2: losses['r1'] += floatnan(rec[2]) continue elif l.startswith('StZa') or l.startswith('RoZa'): rec = self._numPattern.findall(content[i+2]) if len(rec) == 2: losses['stajo'] = floatnan(rec[1]) losses['staza'] = floatnan(rec[0]) losses['total'] += losses['staza']+losses['stajo'] continue if l.startswith('StJo') or l.startswith('RoJo') or \ rec = self._numPattern.findall(content[i+2]) if len(rec) == 2: losses['stajo'] = floatnan(rec[0]) losses['staza'] = floatnan(rec[1]) losses['total'] += losses['staza']+losses['stajo'] elif len(rec) == 1: t = l.split(':')[-1].strip() if t == 'Iron': losses['staza'] = floatnan(rec[0]) else: losses['stajo'] += floatnan(rec[0]) losses['total'] += losses['staza']+losses['stajo'] continue if rec = self._numPattern.findall(content[i+2]) if len(rec) == 1: if floatnan(rec[0]) > losses['rotfe']: losses['rotfe'] = floatnan(rec[0]) losses['total'] += losses['rotfe'] continue if l.find('Fe-Losses-Rotor') > -1: rec = self._numPattern.findall(content[i+3]) if len(rec) == 2: if content[i+1].find('Iron') > -1 and content[i+1].find('StJo') > 0: self.external_rotor = True # TODO: there might be better places to check this losses['stajo'] = floatnan(rec[0]) losses['staza'] = floatnan(rec[1]) losses['total'] += losses['staza']+losses['stajo'] else: losses['rotfe'] = floatnan(rec[1]) losses['total'] += losses['rotfe'] continue if l.find('Magnet-Losses') > -1: rec = self._numPattern.findall(content[i+1]) if len(rec) == 1: losses['magnetJ'] = float(rec[0]) #losses['magnetB'] = float(Nan) if len(rec) == 2: losses['magnetJ'] = float(rec[0]) losses['magnetB'] = float(rec[1]) losses['total'] += losses['magnetJ'] if 'total' in losses: losses['totalfe'] = sum([losses[k] for k in ('staza', 'stajo', 'rotfe')]) self.losses.append(losses) def __read_hysteresis_eddy_current_losses(self, content): losses = dict(staza=[], stajo=[], rotor=[]) k = '' for i, l in enumerate(content): if l.startswith('*************'): for k in losses: for x in losses[k]: x[0] = int(x[0]) self.losses[-1]['fft'] = {k: {k1: l for k1, l in zip(['order', 'freq', 'hyst', 'eddy'], zip(*losses[k]))} for k in losses} self.__read_losses(content[i+1:]) break if l.find('StJo') > -1 or \ l.find('RoJo') > -1: k = 'stajo' elif l.find('StZa') > -1 or \ l.find('StatorIron') > -1 or \ l.find('RoZa') > -1: k = 'staza' elif l.find('Iron') > -1 and l.find('Stator') > -1: k = 'staza' elif l.find('Iron') > -1: if self.external_rotor: k = 'staza' else: k = 'rotor' elif l.find('Roto') > -1 or \ l.find('Ring') < -1: k = 'rotor' elif l.find('Stat') > -1: k = 'stajo' else: try: rec = self._numPattern.findall(l) if len(rec) == 4: losses[k].append([floatnan(x) for x in rec]) elif len(rec) == 5: # FEMAG Rel 8.3 with el/mech order losses[k].append([floatnan(x) for i, x in enumerate(rec) if not i == 1]) except: pass
[docs] def get(self, name, r=None): """return value of key name name can be a list such as ['torque[1]', 'ripple'] or a string: 'dqPar' """ try: if isinstance(name, str): # ignore r lname, indx = splitindex(name) if indx is None: return self.__getattr__(name) return self.__getattr__(lname).__getitem__(indx) if len(name) > 1: lname, indx = splitindex(name[0]) if r: if indx is None: return self.get(name[1:], getattr(r, lname)) return self.get(name[1:], getattr(r, lname).__getitem__(indx)) if indx is None: return self.get(name[1:], getattr(self, lname)) return self.get(name[1:], getattr(self, lname).__getitem__(indx)) lname, indx = splitindex(name[0]) if r: if indx is None: return r.get(name[0]) return r.get(lname).__getitem__(indx) if indx is None: return self.__getattr__(name[0]) return self.__getattr__(lname).__getitem__(indx) except (KeyError, IndexError, AttributeError): return None
def __getattr__(self, k): return self.__dict__[k]
[docs] def items(self): return [(k, self.get(k)) for k in ('version', 'type', 'filename', 'date', 'torque', 'torque_fft', 'psidq', 'psidq_ldq', 'machine', 'lossPar', 'flux', 'flux_fft', 'wdgfactors', 'airgapInduction', 'magnet', 'scData', 'dqPar', 'ldq', 'losses', 'demag', 'linearForce', 'linearForce_fft', 'characteristics') if self.get(k)]
def __str__(self): "return string format of this object" if self.type: return "\n".join([ 'FEMAG {}: {}'.format(self.version, self.type), 'File: {} {}'.format(self.filename,] + ['{}: {}'.format(k, v) for k, v in self.items()]) return "{}" def __repr__(self): "representation of this object" return self.__str__()
[docs]def read(filename): """Read BCH/BATCH results from file *filename*.""" import io bchresults = Reader() with, encoding='latin1', errors='ignore') as f: return bchresults
if __name__ == "__main__": import json if len(sys.argv) == 2: filename = sys.argv[1] else: filename = sys.stdin.readline().strip() b = read(filename) json.dump({k: v for k, v in b.items()}, sys.stdout) #print(b)