Source code for femagtools.plot

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    Creating plots

import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
import as cm
import numpy as np
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import scipy.interpolate as ip

def _create_3d_axis():
    """creates a subplot with 3d projection if one does not already exist"""
    from matplotlib.projections import get_projection_class
    from matplotlib import _pylab_helpers

    create_axis = True
    if _pylab_helpers.Gcf.get_active() is not None:
        if isinstance(pl.gca(), get_projection_class('3d')):
            create_axis = False
    if create_axis:
        pl.subplot(111, projection='3d')

def _plot_surface(ax, x, y, z, labels, azim=None):
    """helper function for surface plots"""
    #ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', pad=-3)
    if azim is not None:
        ax.azim = azim
    X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
    ax.plot_surface(X, Y, np.asarray(z),
                    rstride=1, cstride=1,
                    cmap=cm.viridis, alpha=0.85,
                    vmin=np.nanmin(z), vmax=np.nanmax(z),
                    linewidth=0, antialiased=True)
#                    edgecolor=(0, 0, 0, 0))


    #pl.subplots_adjust(left=0, bottom=0, right=1, top=1, wspace=0, hspace=0)

def __phasor_plot(up, idq, uxdq):
    uxd = uxdq[0]/up
    uxq = uxdq[1]/up
    u1d, u1q = (uxd, 1+uxq)
    u1 = np.sqrt(u1d**2 + u1q**2)*up
    i1 = np.linalg.norm(idq)
    i1d, i1q = (idq[0]/i1, idq[1]/i1)

    hw = 0.05
    ax = pl.gca()
        r'$U_1$={0} V, $I_1$={1} A, $U_p$={2} V'.format(
            round(u1, 1), round(i1, 1), round(up, 1)), fontsize=14)

    ax.arrow(0, 0, 0, 1, color='k', head_width=hw,
    ax.text(0.08, 0.9, r'$U_p$', fontsize=18)
    ax.arrow(0, 0, u1d, u1q, color='r', head_width=hw,
    ax.text(u1d, 0.75*u1q, r'$U_1$', fontsize=18)
    ax.arrow(0, 1, uxd, 0, color='g', head_width=hw,
    if abs(uxq) > 1e-3:
        ax.arrow(uxd, 1, 0, uxq, color='g', head_width=hw,
    ax.arrow(0, 0, i1d, i1q, color='b', head_width=hw,
    ax.text(1.15*i1d, 0.72*i1q, r'$I_1$', fontsize=18)

    xmin, xmax = (min(0, uxd, i1d), max(0, i1d, uxd))
    ymin, ymax = (min(0, i1q, 1-uxq), max(1, i1q))

    ax.set_xlim([xmin-0.1, xmax+0.1])
    ax.set_ylim([ymin-0.1, ymax+0.1])

[docs]def i1beta_phasor(up, i1, beta, r1, xd, xq): """creates a phasor plot up: internal voltage i1: current beta: angle i1 vs up [deg] r1: resistance xd: reactance in direct axis xq: reactance in quadrature axis""" i1d, i1q = (i1*np.sin(beta/180*np.pi), i1*np.cos(beta/180*np.pi)) uxdq = ((r1*i1d - xq*i1q), (r1*i1q + xd*i1d)) __phasor_plot(up, (i1d, i1q), uxdq)
[docs]def iqd_phasor(up, iqd, uqd): """creates a phasor plot up: internal voltage iqd: current uqd: terminal voltage""" uxdq = (uqd[1]/np.sqrt(2), (uqd[0]/np.sqrt(2)-up)) __phasor_plot(up, (iqd[1]/np.sqrt(2), iqd[0]/np.sqrt(2)), uxdq)
[docs]def phasor(bch): """create phasor plot from bch""" f1 = bch.machine['p']*bch.dqPar['speed'] w1 = 2*np.pi*f1 xd = w1*bch.dqPar['ld'][1] xq = w1*bch.dqPar['lq'][1] r1 = bch.machine['r1'] i1beta_phasor(bch.dqPar['up0'], bch.dqPar['i1'][-1], bch.dqPar['beta'][1], r1, xd, xq)
[docs]def airgap(airgap): """creates plot of flux density in airgap""" pl.title('Airgap Induction [T]') pl.plot(airgap['pos'], airgap['B']) pl.plot(airgap['pos'], airgap['B_fft']) pl.xlabel('Position/°') pl.grid()
[docs]def torque(pos, torque): """creates plot from torque vs position""" k = 20 alpha = np.linspace(0, pos[-1], k*len(torque)) f = ip.interp1d(pos, torque, kind='cubic') unit = 'Nm' scale = 1 if min(torque) < -9.9e3 or max(torque) > 9.9e3: scale = 1e-3 unit = 'kNm' ax = pl.gca() ax.set_title('Torque / {}'.format(unit)) ax.grid(True) ax.plot(pos, [scale*t for t in torque], 'go') ax.plot(alpha, scale*f(alpha)) if min(torque) > 0 and max(torque) > 0: ax.set_ylim(bottom=0) elif min(torque) < 0 and max(torque) < 0: ax.set_ylim(top=0)
[docs]def torque_fft(order, torque): """plot torque harmonics""" unit = 'Nm' scale = 1 if min(torque) < -9.9e3 or max(torque) > 9.9e3: scale = 1e-3 unit = 'kNm' ax = pl.gca() ax.set_title('Torque Harmonics / {}'.format(unit)) ax.grid(True) bw = 2.5E-2*max(order), [scale*t for t in torque], width=bw, align='center') ax.set_xlim(left=-bw/2)
[docs]def force(title, pos, force): """plot force vs position""" unit = 'N' scale = 1 if min(force) < -9.9e3 or max(force) > 9.9e3: scale = 1e-3 unit = 'kN' ax = pl.gca() ax.set_title('{} / {}'.format(title, unit)) ax.grid(True) ax.plot(pos, [scale*f for f in force]) if min(force) > 0: ax.set_ylim(bottom=0)
[docs]def winding_flux(pos, flux): """plot flux vs position""" ax = pl.gca() ax.set_title('Winding Flux / Vs') ax.grid(True) for p, f in zip(pos, flux): ax.plot(p, f)
[docs]def winding_current(pos, current): """plot winding currents""" ax = pl.gca() ax.set_title('Winding Currents / A') ax.grid(True) for p, i in zip(pos, current): ax.plot(p, i)
[docs]def voltage(title, pos, voltage): """plot voltage vs. position""" ax = pl.gca() ax.set_title('{} / V'.format(title)) ax.grid(True) ax.plot(pos, voltage)
[docs]def voltage_fft(title, order, voltage): """plot FFT harmonics of voltage""" ax = pl.gca() ax.set_title('{} / V'.format(title)) ax.grid(True) bw = 2.5E-2*max(order), voltage, width=bw, align='center')
[docs]def mcv_hbj(mcv, log=True): """plot H, B, J of mcv dict""" import femagtools.mcv MUE0 = 4e-7*np.pi ji = [] csiz = len(mcv['curve']) ax = pl.gca() ax.set_title(mcv['name']) for k, c in enumerate(mcv['curve']): bh = [(bi, hi*1e-3) for bi, hi in zip(c['bi'], c['hi'])] try: if csiz == 1 and mcv['ctype'] in (femagtools.mcv.MAGCRV, femagtools.mcv.ORIENT_CRV): ji = [b-MUE0*h*1e3 for b, h in bh] except Exception: pass bi, hi = zip(*bh) label = 'Induction' if csiz > 1: label = 'Induction ({0}°)'.format(mcv.mc1_angle[k]) if log: ax.semilogx(hi, bi, label=label) if ji: ax.semilogx(hi, ji, label='Polarisation') else: ax.plot(hi, bi, label=label) if ji: ax.plot(hi, ji, label='Polarisation') ax.set_xlabel('H / kA/m') ax.set_ylabel('T') if ji or csiz > 1: ax.legend(loc='lower right') ax.grid()
[docs]def mcv_muer(mcv): """plot rel. permeability vs. B of mcv dict""" MUE0 = 4e-7*np.pi bi, ur = zip(*[(bx, bx/hx/MUE0) for bx, hx in zip(mcv['curve'][0]['bi'], mcv['curve'][0]['hi']) if not hx == 0]) ax = pl.gca() ax.plot(bi, ur) ax.set_xlabel('B / T') ax.set_title('rel. Permeability') ax.grid()
[docs]def mtpa(pmrel, i1max, title='', projection=''): """create a line or surface plot with torque and mtpa curve""" nsamples = 10 i1 = np.linspace(0, i1max, nsamples) iopt = np.array([pmrel.mtpa(x) for x in i1]).T iqmax, idmax = pmrel.iqdmax(i1max) iqmin, idmin = pmrel.iqdmin(i1max) if projection == '3d': nsamples = 50 else: iqmin = 0.1*iqmax id = np.linspace(idmin, idmax, nsamples) iq = np.linspace(iqmin, iqmax, nsamples) torque_iqd = np.array( [[pmrel.torque_iqd(x, y) for y in id] for x in iq]) if projection == '3d': idq_torque(id, iq, torque_iqd) ax = pl.gca() ax.plot(iopt[1], iopt[0], iopt[2], color='red', linewidth=2, label='MTPA: {0:5.0f} Nm'.format( np.max(iopt[2]))) else: ax = pl.gca() ax.set_aspect('equal') x, y = np.meshgrid(id, iq) CS = ax.contour(x, y, torque_iqd, 6, colors='k') ax.clabel(CS, fmt='%d', inline=1) ax.set_xlabel('Id/A') ax.set_ylabel('Iq/A') ax.plot(iopt[1], iopt[0], color='red', linewidth=2, label='MTPA: {0:5.0f} Nm'.format( np.max(iopt[2]))) ax.grid() if title: ax.set_title(title) ax.legend()
[docs]def mtpv(pmrel, u1max, i1max, title='', projection=''): """create a line or surface plot with voltage and mtpv curve""" w1 = pmrel.w2_imax_umax(i1max, u1max) nsamples = 20 if projection == '3d': nsamples = 50 iqmax, idmax = pmrel.iqdmax(i1max) iqmin, idmin = pmrel.iqdmin(i1max) id = np.linspace(idmin, idmax, nsamples) iq = np.linspace(iqmin, iqmax, nsamples) u1_iqd = np.array( [[np.linalg.norm(pmrel.uqd(w1, iqx, idx))/np.sqrt(2) for idx in id] for iqx in iq]) u1 = np.mean(u1_iqd) imtpv = np.array([pmrel.mtpv(wx, u1) for wx in np.linspace(w1, 20*w1, nsamples)]).T if projection == '3d': torque_iqd = np.array( [[pmrel.torque_iqd(x, y) for y in id] for x in iq]) idq_torque(id, iq, torque_iqd) ax = pl.gca() ax.plot(imtpv[1], imtpv[0], imtpv[2], color='red', linewidth=2) else: ax = pl.gca() ax.set_aspect('equal') x, y = np.meshgrid(id, iq) CS = ax.contour(x, y, u1_iqd, 4, colors='b') # linestyles='dashed') ax.clabel(CS, fmt='%d', inline=1) ax.plot(imtpv[1], imtpv[0], color='red', linewidth=2, label='MTPV: {0:5.0f} Nm'.format(np.max(imtpv[2]))) beta = np.arctan2(imtpv[1][0], imtpv[0][0]) b = np.linspace(beta, 0) #ax.plot(np.sqrt(2)*i1max*np.sin(b), np.sqrt(2)*i1max*np.cos(b), 'r-') ax.grid() ax.legend() ax.set_xlabel('Id/A') ax.set_ylabel('Iq/A') if title: ax.set_title(title)
[docs]def pmrelsim(bch, title=''): """creates a plot of a PM/Rel motor simulation""" cols = 2 rows = 4 if len(bch.flux['1']) > 1: rows += 1 htitle = 1.5 if title else 0 fig, ax = pl.subplots(nrows=rows, ncols=cols, figsize=(10, 3*rows + htitle)) if title: fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=16) pl.subplot(rows, cols, 1) torque(bch.torque[-1]['angle'], bch.torque[-1]['torque']) pl.subplot(rows, cols, 2) torque_fft(bch.torque_fft[-1]['order'], bch.torque_fft[-1]['torque']) pl.subplot(rows, cols, 3) force('Force Fx', bch.torque[-1]['angle'], bch.torque[-1]['force_x']) pl.subplot(rows, cols, 4) force('Force Fy', bch.torque[-1]['angle'], bch.torque[-1]['force_y']) pl.subplot(rows, cols, 5) flux = [bch.flux[k][-1] for k in bch.flux] pos = [f['displ'] for f in flux] winding_flux(pos, (flux[0]['flux_k'], flux[1]['flux_k'], flux[2]['flux_k'])) pl.subplot(rows, cols, 6) winding_current(pos, (flux[0]['current_k'], flux[1]['current_k'], flux[2]['current_k'])) pl.subplot(rows, cols, 7) voltage('Internal Voltage', bch.flux['1'][-1]['displ'], bch.flux['1'][-1]['voltage_dpsi']) pl.subplot(rows, cols, 8) voltage_fft('Internal Voltage Harmonics', bch.flux_fft['1'][-1]['order'], bch.flux_fft['1'][-1]['voltage']) if len(bch.flux['1']) > 1: pl.subplot(rows, cols, 9) voltage('No Load Voltage', bch.flux['1'][0]['displ'], bch.flux['1'][0]['voltage_dpsi']) pl.subplot(rows, cols, 10) voltage_fft('No Load Voltage Harmonics', bch.flux_fft['1'][0]['order'], bch.flux_fft['1'][0]['voltage']) fig.tight_layout(h_pad=3.5) if title: fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.92)
[docs]def cogging(bch, title=''): """creates a cogging plot""" cols = 2 rows = 3 htitle = 1.5 if title else 0 fig, ax = pl.subplots(nrows=rows, ncols=cols, figsize=(10, 3*rows + htitle)) if title: fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=16) pl.subplot(rows, cols, 1) torque(bch.torque[0]['angle'], bch.torque[0]['torque']) pl.subplot(rows, cols, 2) torque_fft(bch.torque_fft[0]['order'], bch.torque_fft[0]['torque']) pl.subplot(rows, cols, 3) force('Force Fx', bch.torque[0]['angle'], bch.torque[0]['force_x']) pl.subplot(rows, cols, 4) force('Force Fy', bch.torque[0]['angle'], bch.torque[0]['force_y']) pl.subplot(rows, cols, 5) voltage('Voltage', bch.flux['1'][0]['displ'], bch.flux['1'][0]['voltage_dpsi']) pl.subplot(rows, cols, 6) voltage_fft('Voltage Harmonics', bch.flux_fft['1'][0]['order'], bch.flux_fft['1'][0]['voltage']) fig.tight_layout(h_pad=2) if title: fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.92)
[docs]def i1beta_torque(i1, beta, torque): """creates a surface plot of torque vs i1, beta""" _create_3d_axis() ax = pl.gca() _plot_surface(ax, i1, beta, torque, (u'I1/A', u'Beta/°', u'Torque/Nm'), azim=210)
[docs]def i1beta_ld(i1, beta, ld): """creates a surface plot of ld vs i1, beta""" _create_3d_axis() ax = pl.gca() _plot_surface(ax, i1, beta, ld, (u'I1/A', u'Beta/°', u'Ld/mH'), azim=60)
[docs]def i1beta_lq(i1, beta, lq): """creates a surface plot of ld vs i1, beta""" _create_3d_axis() ax = pl.gca() _plot_surface(ax, i1, beta, lq, (u'I1/A', u'Beta/°', u'Lq/mH'), azim=60)
[docs]def i1beta_psim(i1, beta, psim): """creates a surface plot of psim vs i1, beta""" _create_3d_axis() ax = pl.gca() _plot_surface(ax, i1, beta, psim, (u'I1/A', u'Beta/°', u'Psi m/Vs'), azim=60)
[docs]def i1beta_psid(i1, beta, psid): """creates a surface plot of psid vs i1, beta""" _create_3d_axis() ax = pl.gca() _plot_surface(ax, i1, beta, psid, (u'I1/A', u'Beta/°', u'Psi d/Vs'), azim=-60)
[docs]def i1beta_psiq(i1, beta, psiq): """creates a surface plot of psiq vs i1, beta""" _create_3d_axis() ax = pl.gca() _plot_surface(ax, i1, beta, psiq, (u'I1/A', u'Beta/°', u'Psi q/Vs'), azim=210)
[docs]def idq_torque(id, iq, torque): """creates a surface plot of torque vs id, iq""" _create_3d_axis() ax = pl.gca() _plot_surface(ax, id, iq, torque, (u'Id/A', u'Iq/A', u'Torque/Nm'), azim=-60)
[docs]def idq_psid(id, iq, psid): """creates a surface plot of psid vs id, iq""" _create_3d_axis() ax = pl.gca() _plot_surface(ax, id, iq, psid, (u'Id/A', u'Iq/A', u'Psi d/Vs'), azim=210)
[docs]def idq_psiq(id, iq, psiq): """creates a surface plot of psiq vs id, iq""" _create_3d_axis() ax = pl.gca() _plot_surface(ax, id, iq, psiq, (u'Id/A', u'Iq/A', u'Psi q/Vs'), azim=210)
[docs]def idq_psim(id, iq, psim): """creates a surface plot of psim vs. id, iq""" _create_3d_axis() ax = pl.gca() _plot_surface(ax, id, iq, psim, (u'Id/A', u'Iq/A', u'Psi m [Vs]'), azim=120)
[docs]def idq_ld(id, iq, ld): """creates a surface plot of ld vs. id, iq""" _create_3d_axis() ax = pl.gca() _plot_surface(ax, id, iq, ld, (u'Id/A', u'Iq/A', u'L d/mH'), azim=120)
[docs]def idq_lq(id, iq, lq): """creates a surface plot of lq vs. id, iq""" _create_3d_axis() ax = pl.gca() _plot_surface(ax, id, iq, lq, (u'Id/A', u'Iq/A', u'L q/mH'), azim=120)
[docs]def ldlq(bch): """creates the surface plots of a BCH reader object with a ld-lq identification""" beta = bch.ldq['beta'] i1 = bch.ldq['i1'] torque = bch.ldq['torque'] ld = np.array(bch.ldq['ld'])*1e3 lq = np.array(bch.ldq['lq'])*1e3 psid = bch.ldq['psid'] psiq = bch.ldq['psiq'] psim = bch.ldq['psim'] rows = 3 fig = pl.figure(figsize=(10, 4*rows)) fig.suptitle('Ld-Lq Identification {}'.format(bch.filename), fontsize=16) fig.add_subplot(rows, 2, 1, projection='3d') i1beta_torque(i1, beta, torque) fig.add_subplot(rows, 2, 2, projection='3d') i1beta_psid(i1, beta, psid) fig.add_subplot(rows, 2, 3, projection='3d') i1beta_psiq(i1, beta, psiq) fig.add_subplot(rows, 2, 4, projection='3d') i1beta_psim(i1, beta, psim) fig.add_subplot(rows, 2, 5, projection='3d') i1beta_ld(i1, beta, ld) fig.add_subplot(rows, 2, 6, projection='3d') i1beta_lq(i1, beta, lq)
[docs]def psidq(bch): """creates the surface plots of a BCH reader object with a psid-psiq identification""" id = bch.psidq['id'] iq = bch.psidq['iq'] torque = bch.psidq['torque'] ld = np.array(bch.psidq_ldq['ld'])*1e3 lq = np.array(bch.psidq_ldq['lq'])*1e3 psim = bch.psidq_ldq['psim'] psid = bch.psidq['psid'] psiq = bch.psidq['psiq'] rows = 3 fig = pl.figure(figsize=(10, 4*rows)) fig.suptitle('Psid-Psiq Identification {}'.format( bch.filename), fontsize=16) fig.add_subplot(rows, 2, 1, projection='3d') idq_torque(id, iq, torque) fig.add_subplot(rows, 2, 2, projection='3d') idq_psid(id, iq, psid) fig.add_subplot(rows, 2, 3, projection='3d') idq_psiq(id, iq, psiq) fig.add_subplot(rows, 2, 4, projection='3d') idq_psim(id, iq, psim) fig.add_subplot(rows, 2, 5, projection='3d') idq_ld(id, iq, ld) fig.add_subplot(rows, 2, 6, projection='3d') idq_lq(id, iq, lq)
[docs]def felosses(losses, coeffs, title='', log=True): """plot iron losses with steinmetz or jordan approximation Args: losses: dict with f, B, pfe values coeffs: list with steinmetz (cw, alpha, beta) or jordan (cw, alpha, ch, beta, gamma) coeffs title: title string log: log scale for x and y axes if True """ import femagtools.losscoeffs as lc ax = pl.gca() fo = losses['fo'] Bo = losses['Bo'] B =*np.min(losses['B']), 1.1*0.9*np.max(losses['B'])) for i, f in enumerate(losses['f']): pfe = [p for p in np.array(losses['pfe']).T[i] if p] if f > 0: if len(coeffs) == 5: ax.plot(B, lc.pfe_jordan(f, B, *coeffs, fo=fo, Bo=Bo)) elif len(coeffs) == 3: ax.plot(B, lc.pfe_steinmetz(f, B, *coeffs, fo=fo, Bo=Bo)) pl.plot(losses['B'][:len(pfe)], pfe, marker='o', label="{} Hz".format(f)) ax.set_title("Fe Losses/(W/kg) " + title) if log: ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_xlabel("Induction [T]") #pl.ylabel("Pfe [W/kg]") ax.legend() ax.grid(True)
if __name__ == "__main__": import io import sys from femagtools.bch import Reader for filename in sys.argv[1:]: bchresults = Reader() with, encoding='latin1', errors='ignore') as f: if bchresults.type.lower().find( 'pm-synchronous-motor simulation') >= 0: pmrelsim(bchresults, bchresults.filename) elif bchresults.type.lower().find('cogging calculation') >= 0: cogging(bchresults, bchresults.filename) elif bchresults.type.lower().find('ld-lq-identification') >= 0: ldlq(bchresults) elif bchresults.type.lower().find('psid-psiq-identification') >= 0: psidq(bchresults) else: raise ValueError("BCH type {} not yet supported".format( bchresults.type))