.. _emagModelMat: ======================= **Material assignment** ======================= .. role:: red .. admonition:: Command: def_mat_air(x, y) Defines the area selected by the coordinates x and y as air (superelement or subregion). **Parameter** | :red:`x/y` Coordinates of 'seed' point .. admonition:: Command: def_mat_fm(x, y, color, muer, rlen) Defines the area selected by the coordinates x and y as a ferromagnetic material with constant permeability (superelement or subregion) (linear). **Parameter** | :red:`x/y` Coordinates of 'seed' point | :red:`color` Colour ("blue", "green", ...) (optional parameter) | :red:`muer` Relative permeability | :red:`rlen` Relative axial length (in z-direction), % .. note:: Die optionale Angabe des Parameters color ist ab FEMAG-Version 8.3 Rev. 2462 möglich. .. translate .. admonition:: Command: def_mat_fm_nlin(x, y, color, mcvfile, rlen, orient) Defines the area selected by the coordinates x and y as a ferromagnetic material with variable permeability (superelement or subregion) (nonlinear). **Parameter** | :red:`x/y` Coordinates of 'seed' point | :red:`color` Colour ("blue", "green", ...) (optional parameter) | :red:`mcvfile` File name of the magnetization characteristic (with or without extension) in quotation marks; e.g., "M800-50A.MCV" | :red:`rlen` Relative axial length (in z-direction), % | :red:`orien` Winkel in Grad der Orientierungsrichtung bei anisotropen BH-Kurven (ab FEMAG-Version 9.0.2 Rev. 3835) .. translate .. admonition:: Command: def_mat_pm(x, y, color, Br, muer, orient, type, cond, rlen) Defines the area selected by the coordinates x and y as a permanent-magnet material with constant permeability; (superelement or subregion) (linear). **Parameter** | :red:`x/y` Coordinates of 'seed' point | :red:`color` Colour ("blue", "green", ...) (optional parameter) | :red:`Br` Remanent flux-density [T] | :red:`muer` Relative permeability | :red:`orient` Alignment or orientation of magnetization [deg] (with halbach polar number) | :red:`type` Type of magnetization (parallel, radial, halbach, cartiso, poliso, cartaniso, polaniso) | :red:`cond` Conductivity in S/m (optional; default value is 0) | :red:`rlen` Relative axial length (in z-direction), % .. note:: Die Angabe der Leitfähigkeit cond ist ab FEMAG-Version 8.2 (Rev. 2120) möglich. .. translate .. admonition:: Command: def_mat_pm_nlin(x, y, color, mcvfile, orient, type, cond, rlen) Defines the area selected by the coordinates x and y as a permanent-magnet material with variable permeability (superelement or subregion) (nonlinear). **Parameter** | :red:`x/y` Coordinates of 'seed' point | :red:`color` Colour ("blue", "green", ...) (optional parameter) | :red:`mcvfil` File name of the magnetization characteristic (with extension) in quotation marks; e.g., "FERRIT.MCV" | :red:`orient` Alignment or orientation of magnetization [deg] | :red:`type` Type of magnetization (m.parallel, m.radial, m.halbach, m.cartiso, m.poliso, m.cartaniso, m.polaniso) | :red:`cond` Conductivity in S/m (optional; default value is 0) | :red:`rlen` Relative axial length (in z-direction), % .. admonition:: Command: set_mat_perm(x, y, muer1, muer2) Assignment of magnetic conductivity (permeability). Other material properties remain unaffected. **Parameter** | :red:`x/y` Coordinates of 'seed' point | :red:`muer1` Relative permeability in x-direction | :red:`muer2` Relative permeability in y-direction (optional; default is muer2 = muer1) .. admonition:: Command: set_mat_cond(x, y, cond, rlen) Defines the area selected by the coordinates x and y as an electrical conductor; (superelement or subregion). Other material properties remain unaffected. **Parameter** | :red:`x/y` Coordinates of 'seed' point | :red:`cond` Conductivity [S/m] | :red:`rlen` Relative axial length (in z-direction), % (optional) .. admonition:: Command: set_mat_velo(x, y, velsys, velo1, velo2) Assigns a speed (Geschwindigkeit. Other material properties remain unaffected. **Parameter** | :red:`x/y` Coordinates of 'seed' point | :red:`velsys` Reference system of movement (cartes, polar, cylind) (optional) | :red:`velo1` Velocity in the first coordinate [m/s] | :red:`velo2` Velocity in the second coordinate [m/s] or [rad/s] If the optional argument *velsys* is not specified, the current reference system is selected; this is the typical case. .. admonition:: Command: search_mcv_file(filename) Find an MCV file and add it to the file list. **Parameter** | :red:`filename` File name, without extension