**Engines** *********** An engine is used to execute the calculation on specialized infrastructure: multi-core, HT condor or in a Cloud environment Multi-Core Engine ================= The Multi-Core engine uses a process pool to manage the calculation tasks locally:: engine = femagtools.multiproc.Engine() Condor Engine ============= The Condor engine uses a HT Condor pool to manage the calculation tasks in a corporate network:: engine = femagtools.condor.Engine() Amazon Engine ============= The Amazon engine executes the FEMAG tasks in the Amazon EC2 cloud. The files for the calculation are uploaded to an unique S3 Bucket. Prerequisite ------------ To use Amazon as a calculation engine you have to: * create an account and setup a user with the correct authority. * configured your AWS credentials under ~/.aws/credentials Fast start ---------- To use Amazon as engine setup a configuration and a cloud init file and use Amazon as engine:: import femagtools engine = femagtools.amazon.Engine(buckets=None, configfile='config.ini') If you already uploaded some FEMAG files you can add the bucket as list:: buckets = [{'id': '926c39a7-db69-42f8-bf86-2fd1f8559188-0', 'folder': '~/parvar/0'}, {'id': '99ec9af5-ecb5-4029-88d6-70da9841ef91-1', 'folder': '~/parvar/1'}, {'id': '4c61ebb3-89df-4e3a-ba46-288f8e0672a6-2', 'folder': '~/parvar/2'}] Configuration file ------------------ You have to setup a configuration file with an amazon Section, where you define some Amazon EC2 Instance attribute. ==================== ========================= ======================================================= Name Example value Description ==================== ========================= ======================================================= iam_instance_profile ecsInstanceRole An Amazon Role name. The Role should at least have the AmazonEC2ContainerServiceforEC2Role and AmazonS3FullAccess to create EC2 Instances and S3 Buckets key_name test-key-pair-eucentral-1 SSH Key name for login over SSH. It is not neccessary but useful if something does not work as expected on the instance. security_group_ids sg-8475b5dd, A list of security group ids. If you only have one security group it is important to add a , at the end. server_location eu-central-1 Server location of your instances instance_type t2.small Instance type. Femag does not run if you use an instance type under the t2.small image_id* ami-6d4ceb03 The image of the instance. It is very advisable to use a custom image where femag and his dependencies are installed. cloud_init ./cloud_init.txt A path to a cloud_init file which will be run when the instance is started. Usually here you define your calculation for femag delete_buckets 1 Delete the buckets after calculation is finished. 1 Delete 0 or no entry means no delete ==================== ========================= ======================================================= All configuration options are optional. Example of a configuration file:: [amazon] iam_instance_profile = ecsInstanceRole key_name = test-key-pair-eucentral-1 security_group_ids = sg-8475b5dd, server_location = eu-central-1 instance_type = t2.small image_id = ami-6d4ceb03 cloud_init = ./cloud_init.txt .. note:: The **security_group_ids** is a list. If you only have one security id you have to put a ',' at the end Cloud Init ---------- With the cloud init file you can define the command to be excuted after the instance has started up. This is a good place to start the calculation. The special entry *{{ENV}}* indicates the femagtools module to put all the configuration options as environment variables. Additionally it adds the bucket name as *BUCKET_NAME* environment to download the files from the correct Bucket. .. note:: The files for each calculation are transferred in a tar.gz file Example:: #!/bin/bash {{ENV}} mkdir ~/.aws echo -e '[default]\nregion = '$SERVER_LOCATION'\noutput = json' > ~/.aws/config yum install -y aws-cli libquadmath mkdir ~/data aws s3 sync s3://$BUCKET_NAME/ ~/data cd ~/data tar -xzf *.tar.gz /usr/local/bin/xfemag -b femag.fsl ~/data/exit_code aws s3 sync ~/data s3://$BUCKET_NAME Google Engine ============= The Google engine calculates the FEMAG tasks in the Google Cloud. The files for calculation are uploaded to an unique Google bucket. Prerequisite ------------ To use Google as a calculation engine you have to: * create an account and setup a user with the correct authority. * configured your google credentials with the google command tool Fast start ---------- To use Google Cloud as engine, setup a configuartion and a startup bash file and use google as engine:: import femagtools engine = femagtools.google.Engine() # Load config file engine.config.from_ini_file('config.ini') If you already uploaded some FEMAG files you can add the buckets as list:: buckets = [{'id': '926c39a7-db69-42f8-bf86-2fd1f8559188-0', 'folder': '~/parvar/0'}, {'id': '99ec9af5-ecb5-4029-88d6-70da9841ef91-1', 'folder': '~/parvar/1'}, {'id': '4c61ebb3-89df-4e3a-ba46-288f8e0672a6-2', 'folder': '~/parvar/2'}] Configuration file ------------------ You have to setup a configuration file with an google Section, where you define some Options for the Google instance. ==================== ========================= ======================================================= Name Example value Description ==================== ========================= ======================================================= server_location us-east1-b Server location of your instances instance_type n1-standard-1 Google instance type image_id* femag The image of the instance. It is very advisable to use a custom image where femag and his dependencies are installed. startup ./startup.sh A path to a startup.sh file which will be run when the instance is started. Usually here you define your calculation for femag delete_buckets 1 Delete the buckets after calculation is finished. 1 Delete 0 or no entry means no delete server_config ./gcloud.json A json file where you can define some attributes for the instances ==================== ========================= ======================================================= All configuration options are optional. Example of a configuration file:: [google] SERVER_LOCATION = us-east1-b instance_type = n1-standard-1 image_id = femag-v1 startup = ./cloud_init.txt company_name = Semafor delete_buckets = 1 server_config = ./gcloud.json startup_script = ./startup.sh startup.sh ---------- With the startup.sh file you can define the processing sequence after the instance has started up. This is a good place to start the calculation. .. note:: The files for one calculation are transferred in a tar.gz file Example:: #!/bin/bash # [START startup_script] CS_BUCKET=$(curl http://metadata/computeMetadata/v1/instance/attributes/bucket -H "Metadata-Flavor: Google") mkdir data gsutil rsync gs://$CS_BUCKET data cd data tar -xzf *.tar.gz xfemag -b femag.fsl exit_code gsutil rsync /data gs://$CS_BUCKET # [END startup_script] Server configuration -------------------- The Google Cloud allows you to set the configuartion over a JSON file. It is recommendable to set only attributes which are valid for all instances. These attributes are automaticly set during runtime if they are missing in the json configuration: ============= ================ Value Descritpion ============= ================ sourceImage Your project id with your image name machineType Your server location with your instance type name Same name as the buckets with your company name first bucket_id The bucket id to download the correct data bucket ============= ================ If you want more data in your instance, please set them as metadata items, and load them in the instance. Example:: { "disks": [ { "boot": true, "autoDelete": true } ], "networkInterfaces": [{ "network": "global/networks/default", "accessConfigs": [ {"type": "ONE_TO_ONE_NAT", "name": "External NAT"} ] }], "serviceAccounts": [{ "email": "default", "scopes": [ "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.read_write", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/logging.write" ] }], "metadata": { "items": [{ "key": "text", "value": "Run femag" }] } }