**Force Density** ***************** The ForceDensity object contains the PLT file results. It has following attributes which mostly correspond to the text sections in the file: ================ ======================================================= Attribute Description ================ ======================================================= project Name of model file filename Name of PLT file date calculation date version FEMAG version nodes number of nodes elements number of elements quality meshing quality positions Position properties ================ ======================================================= Positions ========= list of dictionaries for each position ========= ======================================================= position rotor position X list of angles FN list of normal component of force FT list tangential component of force Radius list of radius B_N list normal component of flux density B_T list tangential component of flux density ========= ======================================================= Example:: fdens = ForceDensity() fdens.read('example.PLT0') pl.title('{}, Rotor Position {}'.format( fdens.title, fdens.positions[0]['position'])) pl.plot(fdens.positions[0]['X'], fdens.positions[0]['FT']) .. plot:: content/femagtools/pyplots/forcedens.py