Force and torque

Command: post_models(“r_force_xy”,”F”)

Returns the results of a multiple I/x calculation or Rel-PMSM simulation. The command returns the force components in the x and y directions in variable F (identifier freely selectable).


fx = F[1]     -- force in x direction
fy = F[2]     -- force in y direction

Command: post_models(“r_torque”,”T”)

Returns the results of a multiple I/x calculation or Rel-PMSM simulation. The command returns the mean torque, cogging torque and load pulsation torque in array T (identifier freely selectable).


load_torque    = T[1]   -- load torque     [Nm]
cogging_torque = T[2]   -- cogging torque  [Nm]
harm_torque    = T[3]   -- harmonic torque [Nm]

Command: post_models(“r_harm_torque”,”T”)

Returns the results of a multiple I/x calculation or Rel-PMSM simulation. The command returns the load pulsation torque in the variable T (identifier freely selectable).


This command will no longer be available in future releases; the command post_models(“r_torque””,”T”) should be used instead.


harm_torque = T      -- harmonic torque [Nm]