Solid conductors (eddy-current-carrying)

Function: wkey = def_new_bar(x, y, col, label, c_re, c_im, con, cond, muer, len, vsys, vel1, vel2)

Definition of a solid conductor. The parameters after cond are optional. If values are not specified (or are negative) for cond, perm or len, then already-defined material properties are retained. If the parameters vsys, vel1 and vel2 are missing, the conductor has no velocity.

x,y Coordinates of ‘seed’ point in a superelement
col Colour of the conductor strands (red, blue, green, …)
label Name of the strand (limited to 16 characters), in quotation marks, e.g. “Strang 1”
c_re Peak value of the real component of conductor current [A]
c_im Peak value of the imaginary component of current [A] (optional)
con Current direction: “wi” = into the plane, “wo” = out of the plane
cond Conductivity [S/m]
muer Relative permeability
len Relative axial length, %
vsys Reference system of movement (“cartes”, “polar”, “cylind”) (optional)
vel1 Velocity in the first (x or r) coordinate [m/s]
vel2 Velocity in the second (y or φ) coordinate [m/s]
Return value

wkey Winding number, or 0 in case of an error.


wdgkey = def_new_bar(0,5.5,"yellow","Rotor",1.1,2.3,"wi",1.4E6,500,100,"cartes",10,20)
wdgkey = def_new_bar(0,5.5,yellow,"Rotor",1.1,2.3,wi,1.4E6,500,100,cartes,10,20)       -- deprecated version

Example with incomplete parameters:

The currently reference system is used for the speed specification:


A polar reference system is assumed for the speed specification (rotation):


Definition of a conductor with no speed:


Examples with only partially specified material properties:

def_new_bar(x,y,col,label,c_re,c_im,con,cond,muer)    -- len is unchanged
def_new_bar(x,y,col,label,c_re,c_im,con,cond)         -- muer is unchanged

Command: add_to_bar(x, y, wkey, con1, con2, cond, muer, len)

Add a strand to a solid conductor. The parameters cond, muer and len are optional; if these are missing, the material properties of the conductor are applied to the added strand. Negative values retain already-defined material properties.

x,y Coordinates of ‘seed’ point in a superelement
wkey Winding number of the strand to which to add, or wsamekey for last strand.
con1 Current direction: “wi” = into the plane, “wo” = out of the plane
con2 Circuit connection: “wser” = series, “wpar” = parallel
cond Conductivity [S/m]
muer Relative permeability
len Relative axial length, %


add_to_bar(0,5.5,wsamekey,wi,wpar)       -- deprecated version

Examples with individual material properties for the subconductors:


Command: def_curr_wb(wkey, curr_re, curr_im)

Definition of conductor current (eddy-current-free or solid conductor). The imaginary part of the current is meaningful only with FEMAG-AC, and it can be omitted in FEMAG-DC.

wkey Winding number of the strand to which to add, or wsamekey for last strand.
curr_re Peak value of the real component of conductor current [A]
curr_im Peak value of the imaginary component of current [A] (optional)