Multiple Calculation¶
Call: run_models(“mult_cal_fast”)
Data for the “Multi-Calculation I/x” procedure
Example for the call:
m.move_action = 0.000 -- Move Action: rot=0;lin=1;no move=2
m.arml_ength = 100.000 -- Effect. armature length [mm]
m.num_pol_pair = 2.000 -- Number of Pole pairs (> = 1)
m.npols_gen = 1.000 -- Number of Poles simulated(>= 1)
m.skew_angle = 0.000 -- Skew angle [Deg; mm]
m.nu_skew_steps = 0.000 -- N skew sections:> 0:real; 0:infinite
m.fc_radius1 = 34.250 -- Air-gap center 1:radius/position [mm]
m.fc_radius2 = 0.000 -- Air-gap center 2:radius [mm]
m.nu_force_pat = 0.000 -- Number of extra force pathes < = 3
m.current = 20.000 -- Nom. stator coil current(Peak) [A]
m.angl_i_up = 0.000 -- Angle current I vs. volt. Up [Deg]
m.num_par_wdgs = 1.000 -- Number of parallel Windings (> = 1)
m.cur_control = 1.000 -- C-control: xx.poc=1;const current:= 6
m.max_current = 100.000 -- Current last value
m.num_cur_steps = 1.000 -- Number of current steps
m.nu_move_steps = 61.000 -- Number of move steps
m.range_phi = 180.000 -- Move range [Degr;s]
m.phi_start = 0.000 -- Start value [Degr;s]
m.speed = 3000.000 -- Speed: rotate [1/min]
m.fc_mult_move_type = 0. -- Type of move path in air gap
m.loss_funct = 0.000 -- Loss-Function: own = 0; extern = 1
m.loss_fact = 1.000 -- Loss multiplication factor: 1 .. 1.8
m.pocfilename = 'xyz.poc'