Transient short-circuit calculation¶
Call: Rotating Machine (r/phi-coordinate-system)
Data for the “Transient SC-Calcul” procedure
Example for the call:
m.re_winding = 0.774 -- Resistance stator winding Ra [Ohm]
m.l_daxis = 0.000 -- Inductance Ld [H/mm]
m.l_qaxis = 0.000 -- Inductance Lq [H/mm]
m.l_endwindg = 0.000 -- Stator ewdg inductance Le [H]
m.l_external = 0.000 -- Stator external inductance Lex [H]
m.magn_flux = 0.005 -- Magn. flux (RMS) = Up/omega [Vs/mm]
m.arm_length = 100.000 -- Effect. armature length lm [mm]
m.current = 14.142 -- Current (operat. limit) (RMS) [A]
m.angl_i_up = 0.000 -- Angle current vs. voltage Vp [Deg]
m.speed = 3000.000 -- Speed [1/min]
m.num_pol_pair = 2.000 -- Number of Pole pairs p (>= 1)
m.typ = 3.000 -- Type of sc : 3ph = 3
m.initial = 1.000 -- Initial conditions: noload:1; load:2
m.simultime = 0.100 -- Simulation time [s]
m.fc_radius = 34.250 -- Radius air-gap center (torq.) [mm]
m.num_par_wdgs = 1.000 -- Number of parallel Windings(>= 1) a
m.allow_demagn = 0.000 -- Allow Demagnetisation:= 1:yes;= 0:no
m.sim_demagn = 0.000 -- Simulate Demagnetisation:1:yes; 0:no \n
m.pocfilename = 'DUMMY'