Result Values

Command: post_models(“r_winding_losses”,”L”)

Returns the winding losses of the most recent calculation run_models(“pm_sym_fast”) that can be found in the BCH (BATCH) files in the “Machine Data” section. The parameters of the loss calculation can be specified by calling pre_models(“CU-Losses-1/2”) as described in section Model and machine parameters.


[out] L Returns the losses under this (freely selectable) variable identifier.


winding_losses = L[1]      -- Losses in stator windings [W]

Command: post_models(“r_iron_losses”,”L”)

Returns the iron losses from the last calculation performed

  • run_models(“mult_cal_fast”)

  • runmodels(“cogg_calc”)

  • run_models(“pm_sym_fast”)

which can be found in the BCH (BATCH) files. The keywords r_fe_losses_noload, r_fe_losses_beta1 and r_fe_losses_beta2 can be used to access the results of the idle calculation, load calculation at current angle 0 and current angles as specified or optimized after pm_sym_fast. The parameters of the loss calculation can be specified by calling pre_models(“FE-Losses-1/2”) as described in section Model and machine parameters.


[out] L Returns the losses under this (freely selectable) variable identifier.


fe_losses_stator = L[1]      -- Iron losses stator [W]
fe_losses_rotor  = L[2]      -- Iron losses rotor  [W]

Command: post_models(“r_magnet_losses”,”L”)

Returns the magnet losses of the last performed calculation

  • run_models(“mult_cal_fast”)

  • runmodels(“cogg_calc”)

  • run_models(“pm_sym_fast”)

which can be found in the BCH (BATCH) files. The result of the loss calculation is returned using the J method and the B method. The methods were explained at the user meeting 2014 (Reichert, development of FEMAG since 2013 and condition report 2014 from page 46, PDF file). The B method should be used for highly segmented magnets in both directions and the J method for block-shaped magnets. The keywords r_losses_magnet_noload, r_losses_magnet_beta1 and r_losses_magnet_beta2 can be used to access the results of the idle calculation, load calculation at current angle 0 and current angles as specified or optimized after pm_sym_fast. The parameters of the loss calculation can be specified by calling pre_models(“Magnet-data”), as in the section Model and machine parameters.


[out] L Returns the losses under this (freely selectable) variable identifier.


pm_losses_J = L[1]      -- Losses in magnets (J methode) [W]
pm_losses_B = L[2]      -- Losses in magnets (B methode) [W]