Femagtools Overview¶
Femagtools is an Open-Source Python-API for FEMAG offering following features:
run Femag with a FSL file anywhere: locally (single and multi-core), remote (ZMQ), HT Condor, Cloud (Amazon AWS, Google Cloud)
read BCH/BATCH, I7/ISA7, PLT, ERG files
read and write MCV files (magnetizing curves)
create FSL files from model and calculation templates and/or user specific FSL or from DXF
create a variety of plots
calculate machine characteristics by using analytic machine models
execute parameter studies and multi-objective optimization
The package is hosted on github: <https://github.com/SEMAFORInformatik/femagtools/>`. Contributions are highly welcome.
Femagtools Installation¶
Femagtools can be installed on any 3.x Python distribution with Numpy, Scipy and Pip:
$ pip install femagtools
Or with Anaconda:
$ conda install -c semafor -c conda-forge femagtools
Prerequisite: a fairly recent FEMAG version (see http://www.profemag.ch) must be found in one of the directories listed in your PATH variable.
If a proxy is needed:
$ pip --proxy http://proxy.hell:3128 install femagtools
For Anaconda you can setup the environment variables HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY or the file .condarc:
http: http://user:pass@corp.com:8080
https: https://user:pass@corp.com:8080
For further information: <https://conda.io/docs/user-guide/configuration>_.
Console Scripts¶
The following scripts can be executed from console:
femagtools-plot: create plots from BCH/BATCH file
femagtools-convert: various mesh format conversion
femagtools-bchxml: convert BCH/BATCH file into XML
femagtools-dxfsl: convert DXF into FSL
Femagtools User Guide¶
Femagtools Copyright¶
Copyright: 2017-2020 Semafor Informatik & Energie AG, Basel
License: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.