Torque/force under load

Call: Rotating Machine (r/phi-coordinate-system)

Data for the “Load Torque/force” procedure

Example for the call:

m.move_action     =          0.000 --   Move Action: rotate=0; linear=1
m.arm_length      =        100.000 --   Effect. armature length          [mm]
m.num_pol_pair    =          2.000 --   Number of Pole pairs           (>= 1)
m.npols_gen       =          1.000 --   Number of Poles simulated      (>= 1)
m.skew_angle      =          0.000 --   Skew angle                  [Deg; mm]
m.nu_skew_steps   =          0.000 --   Num skew sections:>0:finite;0:infinit
m.current         =         20.000 --   Nominal stator coil current(Peak) [A]
m.angl_i_up       =          0.000 --   Angle current I vs. voltage Up  [Deg]
m.num_par_wdgs    =          0.000 --   Number of parallel Windings   (>= 1)
m.fc_radius1      =         34.250 --   Air-gap center 1:radius/position [mm]
m.fc_radius2      =          0.000 --   Air-gap center 2:radius          [mm]
m.nu_force_pat    =          0.000 --   Number of extra force pathes < = 3
m.magn_temp       =         20.000 --   Temperature Magnet           [Deg C]
m.speed           =       3000.000 --   Speed: rotate                 [1/min]
m.winding_temp    =          0.000 --   Temperature Winding           [Deg C]
m.nu_move_steps   =         61.000 --   Number of move steps
m.range_phi       =        180.000 --   Move range angle
m.phi_start       =          0.000 --   Start angle
m.speed          =       3000.000 --   Speed: rotate  [1/min] \n

m.pocfilename    = 'xyz.poc'

Call: Linear Machine (x/y- and r/z-coordinate-system)

Data for the “Load Torque/force” procedure

Example for the call:

-- movement in x-direction
m.move_action     =          1.000 --   Move Action: rotate=0; linear=1
m.arm_length      =        700.000 --   Effect. armature length          [mm]
m.npols_gen       =          1.000 --   Number of Sectors simulated   (>= 1)
m.two_pole_wi     =         72.000 --   2 X pole width                   [mm]
m.skew_linear     =          0.000 --   Skew displacement                [mm]
m.nu_skew_steps   =          0.000 --   Num skew sections:>0:finite;0:infinit
m.current         =         10.000 --   Nominal stator coil current(Peak) [A]
m.angl_i_up       =          0.000 --   Angle current I vs. voltage Up  [Deg]
m.num_par_wdgs    =          1.000 --   Number of parallel Windings   (>= 1)
m.line            =          1.000 --   Move path: line: 0 ; poly line: 1
m.nu_force_pat    =          0.000 --   Number of extra force pathes < = 3
m.magn_temp       =         20.000 --   Temperature Magnet           [Deg C]
m.winding_temp    =          0.000 --   Temperature Winding           [Deg C]
m.nu_move_steps   =         73.000 --   Number of move steps
m.range_x         =         72.000 --   Move range x [mm]
m.range_y         =          0.000 --   Move range y [mm]
m.speed_linear    =         30.000 --   Speed: linear  [m/s] \n

m.fc_mult_move_type =        1.000 --   Type of move path in air gap
m.fc_force_points   =        5.000 --   number move points in air gap
m.fcpx_mm1        =         -1.000 --   x-coord of polyline [mm]
m.fcpy_mm1        =        101.500 --   y-coord of polyline [mm]
m.fcpx_mm2        =         72.500 --   x-coord of polyline [mm]
m.fcpy_mm2        =        101.500 --   y-coord of polyline [mm]
m.fcpx_mm3        =         72.500 --   x-coord of polyline [mm]
m.fcpy_mm3        =        118.500 --   y-coord of polyline [mm]
m.fcpx_mm4        =         -1.000 --   x-coord of polyline [mm]
m.fcpy_mm4        =        118.500 --   y-coord of polyline [mm]
m.fcpx_mm5        =         -1.000 --   x-coord of polyline [mm]
m.fcpy_mm5        =        101.500 --   y-coord of polyline [mm] \n

m.pocfilename    = 'xyz.poc'