End-winding leakage inductance¶
Command: post_models(“end_wind_leak”,”leak”)
Ausgabe der Wickelkopfstreuinduktivitäten
The command returns the d- and q-axis components of the leakage inductance of the previously-defined end-winding; (see End-winding distribution and end-turn length) for the defined windings.
L0 = leak[1] -- Null-Induktivität [H]
Ld = leak[2] -- Längsachsen-Induktivität [H]
Lq = leak[3] -- Querachsen-Induktivität [H]
Command: post_models(type, “leak”)
Calculation and output of end-winding leakage inductance. The command returns the d- and q-axis components of the internal and external end-winding leakage inductance.
- Parameter
type “leak_tooth_wind”, “leak_dist_wind”, “leak_evol_wind”
For script examples, see End-winding distribution and end-turn length.
m.nseg = 2.000 -- Number of segments
m.npolsim = 5.000 -- Number of poles simulated
m.fc_radius = 34.250 -- Radius air-gap center (torque) [mm]
m.endheight = 10.000 -- End winding height h[mm]
m.bendrad = 4.000 -- Bending radius Rb[mm]
m.wiredia = 1.000 -- Wire diameter dw[mm]
L0e = leak[1] -- Externe Null-Induktivität [H/Windung]
Lde = leak[2] -- Externe Längsachsen-Induktivität [H/Windung]
Lqe = leak[3] -- Externe Querachsen-Induktivität [H/Windung]
L0i = leak[4] -- Interne Null-Induktivität [H/Windung]
Ldi = leak[5] -- Interne Längsachsen-Induktivität [H/Windung]
Lqi = leak[6] -- Interne Querachsen-Induktivität [H/Windung]